Latakia Tobacco E-liquids

Latakia tobacco is the best Tobacco E-liquid in the UK. It is a smoke-cured and sun-dried tobacco product. Its roots are in Syria, and it is called after the country’s important port city of Latakia, however, most of the manufacturing has shifted to Cyprus owing to recent conflict inside Syria’s borders.When Latakia Tobacco is burnt, it has a distinct wood smoke scent with flowery sweet overtones.Latakia is generally found in Tobacco pipe tobacco mixes, although it is also used by certain avant-garde cigar and cigarette manufacturers. The majority of pipe Tobacco mixes employ Latakia as a condiment, which is tobacco that does not make up the bulk of the blend but is used to provide complexity and manage the burn rate.
Latakia Tobacco
Latakia Tobacco

A brief history of the Latakia The Best Tobacco E-liquid in the UK

Latakia may have been found by chance when a big Tobacco harvest produced extra tobacco; the farmers kept the excess tobacco in the rafters of their house, which at the time was an efficient technique of keeping food until the next spring.Latakia Tobacco leaves are not produced by any tobacco plant. And Latakia production is a minor business; its yearly output of roughly 60,000 pounds is negligible when compared to worldwide tobacco manufacture, which is mostly concentrated on cigarettes. Latakia is crucial to the whole category of the best English mixes.Latakia Tobacco leaf is cultivated throughout the area around Turkey, including the Syrian Arab Republic, but is processed in the Republic of Cyprus by a single manufacturer: Bee Trading Company.It hasn’t been processed in Syria since the late 1970s when the government declared harvesting the woods needed for its curing illegal.

Type of Tobacco Leaf used in Fermentation of the best Latakia Tobacco

Latakia – the best Tobacco E-liquid in the UK is dark, smokey-smelling tobacco that originated in Syria.  It is named for the port city where it was initially manufactured.  Latakia is created by combining oriental varietals.The Syrian Latakia is prepared from an oriental cultivar known as Shek-el-Bint, whilst the Cypress variant is derived from a Turkish Tobacco varietal known as Smyrna. It is formed by tying a group of leaves together in bunches called “hands” and hanging them in a barn. On the barn floor, they make a smoky fire with scented woods. The smoke will rise into the rafters and gradually permeate the leaf, turning it black.Latakia has a very thick leathery Tobacco texture to it, and as a result, it burns quite slowly. It can significantly cool down a combination, making it excellent tobacco to blend with Virginia Tobacco, which tend to burn hot. It has a strong smoky scent and a strong smokey taste. When paired with some orientals, it takes on an incense-like perfume and may provide a very brilliant room note.One of the distinguishing characteristics of its unique Tobacco scent is the process of low-temperature smoke curing over many months or longer. Cyprian Latakia is fumigated similarly to Syrian Latakia. The measurements of a typical size are 22 feet long, 14 feet wide, and 15 feet tall, with one or two fire pits in the center. The fire pit is around 3 by 3 by 6 feet and is topped with a raised zinc cover to prevent the bottom rows from catching fire.The operation is carried out in the same manner as in Syria, with the additional duty of employing various woods at different stages of fumigation. For a few days, mildly fragrant material such as myrtle is fired, followed by higher volumes of hardwood such as pine or oak, to produce a significant heat to dry out the leaf. Following that, the procedure is repeated until almost complete using mixed live material to generate heavier Tobacco smoke.More fragrant shrubs may be put in the last few days to complete the taste. The whole process takes around 20-30 days, and the tobacco is removed from bottom to top as it dries.
Best Tobacco E-liquid in the UK
Vape Latakia E-liquid

How Latakia is used in Tobacco E-liquid

Latakia is largely utilized in the production of pipe tobacco mixtures. The most popular application of Latakia in the different kinds of mixes available across the globe is in those of the English Pipe Tobacco form.This is so important that to be classified as an English blend, a blend must include some amount of Latakia tobacco. Due to its scarcity outside of the Middle East, English pipe mixes became recognized for the peculiar taste of Latakia.Because the British Empire had interests in Syria and the surrounding territories, Latakia and other oriental tobaccos were often imported to the British Isles, but not much else in Western Europe and the Americas. As a result, many pipe smokers outside of the British Empire (and even inside, as many blenders kept their formulae secret) only knew about Latakia by the distinct flavor and aroma of the mixes they bought from English merchants.

Best Tobacco E-liquid in the UK

Latakia Tobacco has been long regarded as the best Tobacco E-liquid in the UK for its flavour, depth and being a strong tobacco its not for the faint hearted. You can use Latakia in many Tobacco mixes to add that extra spice and flavour.